WELCOME TO CROSS POINT BIBLE CHURCH:It’s a joy to welcome you to our church fellowship. We are a group of imperfect people who seek to worship and honor our perfect God. Our arms are open to you, no check list that you need to go through, no spiritual expectation you need to meet. Come just as you are and join us, as we walk with each other through the hills and valleys of life. OUR MESSAGE:Our message, like our name, is to point those around us to the cross of Jesus Christ, and we rejoice in the victory of Christ’s resurrection. We believe that God’s forgiveness is extended to all, no matter the sin. We are all imperfect people in need of grace that only Christ can offer. On this journey we weren’t meant to do life alone. Join us as we study God’s Word and grow in our relationship with Him and others. You don’t need to change a thing…come just as you are.

1426 Spring Garden Avenue
Berwick, PA 18603
churchoffice @ crosspointbibleberwick.org